
Friday, November 20, 2009

Scotty's set-back

Well, it is confirmed that Scotty does have mono. He continues to have fevers & swollen lymph nodes so bad that he can't move his neck. They ended up giving him morphine to ease his pain last night. It seems as though we take 1 step forward and 3 steps back. Were all doing our best to stay strong & positive but, I have to admit it's wearing on us. He wants to go home so badly & yet has another set back. I told the infectious disease team that Scotty has always been very healthy and in 1 yr it has all changed. I believe God has a plan for Scotty we just don't know what that is right now.

It's so hard to believe how much our lives can change in one day. Just looking back a few months ago & where we are now. I want to see the light at the end of the tunnel but, it's still dark. One day we think it's open & the next day it closes. I don't want to sound negative I just want to be done with this nightmare. I feel like screaming "MERCY, MERCY, MERCY!" "Please stop we can't take anymore." Sorry, I had a moment there and it had to be said. "He will get pass this, he will be well soon, & we will all be together soon as a family." Amen

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, it's okay to scream. In fact it is really good for you. Punching bags are great to. You have to let it out in some way, or it will eat you up. I know this first hand. I'm here if you ever want to call and just get mad at somebody. Yell, scream, cuss, get angry at the tumor. Trust me, you'll be better for it. Just do it outside of the family, because they still need to see you strong. You're a Mom, and Mom's take so much in and hold it to stay strong for the family. But, it's okay to let the guard come down and just be human. We are all love you and are praying every day for Scotty to get better.
