
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Surgery #6 on Tuesday.

Scotty received a surprise visit today from his good friend Ronnie. I don't think anyone knows how hard it is to be in the hospital for this period of time. Having someone call or come visit truly lightens up Scotty & our day. The day's drag on & during the evening you never sleep. In a time like this you learn who your family & friends are & how much you mean to them. So, many people have helped us with dinners, gifts, etc. It can get really expensive eating here at the hospital everyday & plus you still need to feed the rest of your family at home. We are grateful to those that have kept in contact or who have visited with us during this ordeal. We feel so loved & are blessed to have you in our lives.

Scotty is scheduled to have surgery #6 on Tuesday & if all goes well we can go home Wednesday. Scotty will continue to be closely monitored because, the shunts have a 50% tendency to fail within the first year. I hope we don't fall in this category. I will quit rambling now & will update again soon.


  1. Jen! Stephanie shared your blog address today and I am thrilled to find your blog! I read all of your posts, brings a tear to my eye. You are so strong, and I admire you and your family soo much! When I was up at PCMC at the begining of the month, I wish that I could have visited you...but me and the kids were so probably wouldn't have been good. Please know that there are SOO many people who love you and are thinking of you. I think you are right, you do find out who your true friends are during these times. Let me know if there is anything I can do! LOVE YOU!

  2. Thanks Rachel I miss everyone so much. I would much rather be at work than in the hospital that's for sure. I send my love to you all!
