
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Won't be home for Thanksgiving

Dr. Brockmeyer said that the soonest they will consider doing surgery for shunt placement is early next week. Unfortunately the swelling from Scotty's lymph nodes haven't swelled down enough for him to do surgery. With the Holiday being just a few day's away he know this place clears out & no one will be here do to do his surgery. So, Thanksgiving for our family will take place here at the hospital for my family but, wil all be together.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.----Oprah Winfrey."


  1. Hello Scotty, Jenn, and Family

    Thank you for keeping us all posted. So sorry to hear that you have more delays. You sure don't want to do surgery until the doctors feel it is safe. We are all thinking of you. I am working tomorrow and will let the team know about this latest news for those who are not on Facebook. You are all in our prayers every day. God Bless.

  2. Hey girl. I am sure that it is tough to not be home, but you have such a positive attitude about it all! It is ture, at least you are together..and together you have it all, right? Love you!!!

  3. That's a good quote jenn, I love that one also. Hang in there Peahot, Scotty is always in our heart and prayers. xoxox
